Born from the perfect blend of the best hot peppers from different parts of the world, PeperonGino allows, by experimenting with their use, to give an exclusive character to each creation.

How Peperongino was created

The choice of the mix of the three varieties that compose PeperonGino (two of them give hotness and bright red color, one gives fragrance and aroma) was made starting from a collection of about a hundred lines of hot peppers from Italy and different parts of the world. Arca 2010 has made a selection for the stabilization of the main characters of the different lines through the choice of mother plants and the conservative multiplication in physical isolation.
The drying process lasts 49 hours and is carried out in a protected environment, simulating the process of natural drying in the sun and avoiding any problems of contamination.
At the end of the drying process the hot peppers are milled with a hammer mill.
The ready mixture is sent to an accredited university laboratory for the measurement of the Scoville grade.


Entirely handmade, the packaging of peperonGino tells the story of a unique product, cared for in every detail and limited edition.
The warm orange color that characterizes it, recalls the lively notes of the product, protecting it like a precious jewel.
The artistic ceramic jar created for PeperonGino by master artisans and hand-painted, boasts a registered hermetic sealing system to preserve the aroma and quality of the product.

Science says so

Scientific research has recently shown how spices, in particular hot peppers, effectively act on bioactive components helping to improve the body’s responses.
In particular it has been demonstrated that consuming hot pepper continuously reduces the risk of death from heart attack by 40% and from stroke by more than 60%. Moreover it reduces by 23% the risk of death from any cause in respect to those who do not use it regularly.
These results were recently presented in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology and coordinated by the epidemiologists of IRCCS Neuromed in Pozzilli, in collaboration with the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, the University of Insubria in Varese and the Cardiocentro Mediterraneo in Naples. The study was based on the analysis of the eating habits of 22,811 Molise people monitored for 8 years on average.

European nutrition label 100 g

(Reg. UE 1169/2011)
  • Scoville Scale
    30.236 SHU (Scoville Heat Units)
  • Energy Value
    1378.70 KJ/100 g
  • Energy Value
    329.36 Kcal/100 g
  • Total Protein
    16.19 g/100 g
  • Total Fats
    4.12 g/100 g
  • Saturated Fat
    1.09 g/100 g
  • Total Carbohydrates
    56.88 g/100 g
  • Sugars
    7.26 g/100 g
  • Salt
    1.10 g/100 g

Where you can find us

PeperonGino Home


Via San Biagio dei librai, 39
PeperonGino LAB


Via Varignano


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